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Ka aner be ishen agabu tu romong ba! - one who carries a stick cannot suffer a dog bite (prevention is better than cure)!



Proverbs and Idioms are two different words but somewhat synanymous in some aspects. According to the Pocket Oxford Dictionary, Proverb is a short pithy saying in general use, held to embody a general truth. Idom on the other hand is phrase etc. established by usage and not immediately comprehensible from the words used. Afizere spoke in proverbs and idioms from time immemorial till date. Though not commonly spoken these days as before.

No wonder Mr. Solomon Azi Gwom in writting the forward to the book NAREER RIFE NIZERE (Proverbs and Idioms in Izere Language) said Let no man when young delay to study proverbs and idioms in his mother tongue. For no one can come too early or too late to secure the health of his or her soul through such effort. click here to see Names, idioms and proverbs

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