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The above subject is quite an interesting one. So many scholars, particularly within the Afizere folks have written alot on it. Although most of their write-ups are unpublished we have however made them available on our downloads page. Those who have written on Afizere socio-polity include Barr. Ibrahim Kasai(Ambassador of Nigeria to Ukraine), Mr. Yohanna Azi, Prof. Ashom Maisamari (University of Abuja,Nigeria), Dr. Danladi Abok Atu (Former Executive Chairman of Jos North L.G.C), Barr. Amos Azi (Former Commissioner of Information, Plateau State), Mr. Emmanuel Mamman (Research Director, National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies - NIPSS, Kuru), Mr. Solomon Azi Gwom (Registrar, College of Agriculture, Garkawa), Late Barr. Joseph Azi Nyako ( Former Assistant General Manager of Lion Bank of Nigeria) Hon. Christopher Sarki Jang (Special Assistant to Plateau State Govornor), to mention but a few which all complement the famous Afizere legendary writter - Abok Musa Inyam who authored the pretigious book titled The Afizere (Jarawa) People of Nigeria

With respect to the politcal organisation of Afizere there is no doubt that the people's governmental structure was a mixture of gerontocracy (Government by old men) and theocratic monarchy in the precolonial era. Custom dictates all religious, administrative and judicial activities . The "Agwom Kuwop" (Priest) reigned by divine right. He was one and the same time chief and priest, the mediator between the people and "Ada Kunom" literally God-Sun. The elders on the other hand were the backbone of governement while the titular chief was their head and "Agwom Kuwop" their President. The chief was by no means an autocrat on his throne but the head of chamber of elders and hereditary dignitaries who sat in council with him. Each village had its chief selected by "Agwom Kuwop" in consultation with elders' menfolk of the group from among the eligible members of the family whose rule was of long standing. Several village chiefs of a district (a unit of six to 12 villages) recognised the authority of a district head and the five district heads (Federe district, Fobur district, Fursum district, Maigemu district and Shere district) in turn recognised the authority of the paramount Afizere chief (Adagwom Izere). The first "Adagwom Izere" was the late HRM(His Royal Majesty) Adagwom Inyam who joined his ancestors(passed away) in the early sixties. Secondly HRM Late Adagwom Yakubu Azhang who succeeded him also died in the nineties and now HRM Adagwom Emmanuel Magaji is currently the "Acting Agwom Izere". if you want to see their profiles including those of their surbodinates and read more just visit the Community Leaders page on this website.

The fact therefore that each district was autonomous during the pre-colonial era necessitated the promulgation of the edict entitling any of the five District Heads' succession to the Adagwom Izere Stool. This thinking amongst the Afizere favours the view that any capable Afizere male adult could become "Adagwom Izere" irrespective of whether or not he is a member of a royal family.

On a wider perspective, during the colonial era the political entity known as Izere land was administratively under the northern region a hang over of the 1922 colonial reforms, comprising thirteen provinces which are Adamawa, Bauchi, Borno, Kabba, Plateau, Niger, Kano, Zaria, Sokoto, Sardauna, Illorin and Kaduna. The capital territory was Kaduna. The Afizere political space was shared between Bauchi provinces, the political arrangement which favoured the Hausas at the expense of Afizere. The Plateau Province Political arrangement was also submerged in the harsh disordant sound of other ethnic nationalities. This unbalanced arrangement continued untill 1966 when the military took over and created 12 states in the country to replace the existing regions, provinces and divisions.

consequently, Benue and Plateau were amalgamted to form Benue-Plateau state including 28 percent Afizere of Jos. The remaining 72 percent Afizere of Bauchi Province remained in the North Eastern state. By 1976 when additional states were created, Plateau and Bauchi states were among the Afizere group. Afizere needed a formadable force to be established in one place. Then a giant step was taken by setting in motion an agenda of merging their kith and kins by territorial excise from Bauchi state to those in Plateau state. The instruments used were Irekafe boundary adjustment panel and Justice Nasir panel sitting at Jos and Bauchi (Toro) respectively. Following the 1976 reforms, Jos Local Government Area was created with complete Afizere group inclusive! At this time an ethno-political coalition association called JUDICO was formed to champion the course of the indigenous aborigines in the local government council administration. The membership included Afizere, Anaguta and the Birom tribes. The mission was fruitful!

Later, Jos Local Government Area of Plateau state was splitted to Jos North and Jos South Local Government Areas. When the time for Local Government Elections came two Afizere illustrous sons contested for the chairmanship of both local goverment because the split put some of them (Afizere) in Jos North and others in Jos South. While Mr. Joseph Azi Magaji lost to Mallam Samaila Mohammed in the Jos North Local Government chairmanship contest, Pastor Mathew Arin Adams became the first chairman elect, hence the first executive chairman of Jos South Local Government Council. Interestingly, in 1996, Jos East Local Government Area was created. It was carved out of Jos South LGA. Jos East, over 97% populated by Afizere people constituting a significant proportion of indeginous population of Jos South Local Government Area. Chief Andrew Ashom became the first executive chairman of Jos East LGC. Find more on Afizere leaders, view their profiles and get latest information about them. Navigate to community leaders page on this website

By and large, Afizere socio-political history was facilitated by the emergence of courageous leaders most of them in their youthful days, championed the cause of pan Izere nationalism, Among celebrations communal heroes and traditional notables. By far the most outstanding of these leaders was the Late Azi Nyako, the Patriarch of Izere politics and perhaps the first Afizere politician of note; he commenced his career in the NPC and contested the Federal House of representative against Tafawa Balewa. He won the election in court! The Late Azi Nyako also led the Struggles that led to the merger of the “Bauchi Afizere” to their kith and kin in Jos. When it become impossible for Abok Musa Nyam (then a post graduate students) Musa Inah Garba, Sambo Atsi and a host of other youths, to present the memo at the Justice Mamman Nasir Boundary Adjustment panel sitting at toro Teachers Collage, Azi Nyako Succeeded in presenting the memo at the Ireke panel sitting in Jos, that was in 1976. Again during the second republic, Azi Nyako led the residence against the creation of Federe Local Government, a move seen by the Afizere as an attempt to polarize their polity and dislodge their Claim to the Ownership of Jos. Legislative residence to the creation of Federe LGA (Mamman pate, the then member of the Plateau State House of Assembly was Azi Nyako's anointed God son).

Judicial residence and political action prevailed until 1983 when another military take-over reverted the Local government structure in Plateau State to the pre-1979 position. At the behest of the third and fourth republics, the early 90”s saw contest and capture of power by Afizere at different levels of governance. Afizere then saw power as a necessary tool for engendering radical developmental projects in Izere land. Although the cohension, it had between 1999-2007, produces two Local Government Chairmen - Ishaya Useini and Dr. Danladi Atu of Jos East and Jos North Local government Councils respectively. One leader of Jos North Legislative Arm (John Izang), two House of Assembly members: Hon. Victor Samson and later(2003) Hosea Azi both representing Jos East Constituency and Hon. Peter A. Azi representing Jos North West constituency, one House of Representatives (Jos East/ Jos South) Hon. Bitrus Kaze. These are in addition to people like the Late Barr. Arin Kaze who was a one time member of the Plateau State Judicial Service Commission, the Chief Judge of Plateau State - Justice James Sambo Atsi, Mr. Nuhu Madaki - Accountant General to Plateau state government, Mr. Joseph Azi Magaji - Permanent Secretary, Plateau state Ministry of Finance, Mr. Solomon Azi Gwom - Registrar College of Agriculture Garkawa, Hon. Yohanna D M Izam - Provost, Plateau state College of Arts, Science and Rememial Studies, Hon. Christopher Sarki Jang - Registrar National Sports Institute Lagos/ Special Adviser to Plateau state Governor, Hon. Joseph Dembo - Plateau state Commissioner for Housing and Transport, Hon M. I. Musa Azi - Honourable Minister of the Federal Republic, Hon. Ibrahim Yakubu Commissioner (Member) Plateau state House of Assembly Commission and serving councilors in both Jos East and Jos North LGAs among others.

It is important that, we lay bare the key issues in the metamorphosis of the Afizere socio-political space so as to provide a basis for future mobilization efforts. The Azi Nyako era was largely seen as a period of identity, later struggle for self determination. The structure of Izere society has always allowed youths play a leading role in development, not only in Izere land, but the nation at large as against gerontocracy memtioned earlier.

Presently (2009), Hon. James Agok Garba is the member representing Jos East Constituency in the Plateau State House of Assembly, Hon. Peter Azhang Azi representing Jos North West constituency in Plateau state House of Assembly, Hon. Daniel Azi - Plateau state Commisioner for Tourism, Hon. Bitrus Kaze - member (Jos East/ Jos South) Federal House of Representatives Abuja, Mr. Solomon Azi Gwom - Registrar, College of Agriculture Garkawa, Hon. Christopher Sarki Jang - Special Adviser to Plateau state Governor, Barr. Ibrahim Pada Kasai - Ambassador of Nigeria to Ukraine and so many others. These eminent personalities constituting the creame of Afizere socio-political nation shall be displayed is a more organised structure on this page soon.

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